Which to Choose for Your Child: Private Kindergartens vs MOE kindergartens

The Ministry of Education in Singapore is responsible for all the origination and application of policies leading to the education in the country. These policies are looked after the minister for education from the basic primary level to the upper tertiary ones. About one fifth of the annual GDP is spent on education and is …

Learning Through the Kindergarten Curriculum in Singapore

Teachers and staff for kindergarten are specialized in handling and imparting knowledge to kids. They are not ordinary teachers rather diploma holders who are well versed in carrying out their routine tasks in efficient manner. The program is designed for infants and toddlers along with preschool kids. Aim of such programs is to: Enhance emotional …


Eаrlу еduсаtiоn begins with deciding on thе bеѕt preschool. Here you’ll undеrѕtаnd hоw tо асhiеvе that. Pluѕ, we’ll еduсаtе уоu on hоw tо gеt ready уоur child for рrеѕсhооl, hоw tо help ease his/hеr transition, еnсоurаgе friеndѕhiрѕ, mаkе the utmost of play аnd learning timе. A рrе-ѕсhооl рlауgrоuр, or a рlауgrоuр, рrоvides hеаlth care аnd …

Stages of education

We all talk about the importance of education in our lives. It indeed plays a vital role. But what is education: According to the dictionary, education is the process of giving or receiving systematic instruction, especially in an institutionalised form like a school or university. But education is not just limited to the dissemination of …

How Being Multi Lingual is Important in Today’s World

The benefits of knowing more than one language are greater than ever before. Being born in a world that is increasingly more globalized than before presents our children with new challenger. Private School can give your child the necessary know how to navigate in today’s times, giving them greater advantages than before. Introducing your child …

Why Must Kids Be Encouraged To Take Part In Co-curricular Activities?

Schools are the platforms that play a vital role in shaping a child’s future. Whether it is academic career or profession, it is accredited schools such as an international school in Singapore that sharpen a child’s traits and personality. While some folks believe that academic study is the key to the success of a child, …